Division of Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic, Food Supplements

Benefits of Tagara for a Fresh Mind and Body

Benefits of Tagara for a Fresh Mind and Body

Tagara is a perennial herb found mostly in the Western Himalayas in India and countries like Afghanistan and Pakistan. According to the ancient herbal healing method widely known as Ayurveda, tagara contains a natural sedative effect which can be used for soothing problems related to the central nervous system. It is also said that tagara aids in balancing the doshas of Vata and Kapha in Ayurveda. People living in the present conditions suffer from various nerve related problems and sleep disorders, due to their stressful and hectic lifestyle.

It becomes difficult for a person to adjust with the work and personal pressures which in turn may lead to depression, anxiety or sleeplessness. As there are varieties of drugs available to control these nevine issues, the best and healthy option would be to adapt an Ayurvedic therapy for a healthy living.

Tagara is available in the form of capsules for easy consumption as the natural herb is sweet, bitter, strong and astringent in taste. There are various benefits of tagara such as its tranquilizing effect is known to ease out the tensions and nervousness. Many people suffer from lack of sleep or no sleep which is also known as Insomnia and can be treated with full effect by consuming tagara. Benefits of tagara include a good quality sleep and a stress free life. The natural calming effect present in this herb works as a remedy for insomnia caused due to stress as it provides relief to the mind and helps in acquiring a sound sleep which makes one feel fresh in the morning. Tagara benefits mainly the central nervous system and helps treating stress related problems such as depression, restlessness and anxiety.

Tagara capsules are formulated with the natural extracts of the herb retaining its nutrients and purity. There are no known side effects in consuming these capsules. The proper usage of tagara capsules as per the advice of an expert helps in optimal health maintenance and keeping a balanced mind and body. Other than treating stress and nervine problems, there are also other benefits of tagara which includes treating common cold and cough, relieving stomach spasms and cramps and also in lowering or controlling the blood pressure levels. Tagara capsules are very efficient in curing headaches and other ailments which become chronic, painful and unbearable such as migraine, convulsions, neuralgia and vertigo.

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