Division of Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic, Food Supplements

The importance of garlic for mercury detox

The importance of garlic for mercury detox

Mecury toxicity is a serious health condition which can occur when metal toxins deposit in our bodily tissues.Mercury toxicity can happen to  anyone irrespective of age or gender. This condition occurs due to many reasons such as using home items which sometimes leach metal in our food, supplementing with fish oil as some species contain a lot of mercury depending upon from where it is sourced and can also occur after a dental cavity filling procedure when you chew hot food. This condition can cause serious damage to your bodies and in some cases where the level of toxicity increases above the permissible levels can even cause death.
There are some modern day techniques to help you with mercury detoxification such as undergoing saunas, intake of prescription drugs and but they work effectively only if your body gets all the required nutrients needed for a complete detoxification. Ayurveda on the other hand is known for it herbs and plant sources which helps naturally detoxify the body and eliminate the impurities which is the reason why this holistic healing method is widely prefered.

Garlic which is a very well known herb for its relevance in the kitchen is also a magnificent medicinal aid used for several health ailments. This herb was a potent form of cardio protective aid usedfor maintaining an optimal heart in the olden days. Garlic is a storehouse of trace minerals like magnesium, calcium and selenium along with vitamins C, A and B which is found in abundance in it. When a person wants to undergo mercury detox the first step he should adapt is getting his liver compeltely detoxified and this is where garlic really helps. Using garlic for mercury detox is an effective remedy as it supplies your body with the much needed sulphur content that helps the liver to eliminate harmful toxins and expel them via urine.

The presence of minerals such as zinc and selenium helps in detoxifying metals which also is a reason why garlic for mercury detox is a potent cure.Garlic whether used in its raw form or extracted form gives the same effect in enhancing the detoxification process and hence garlic supplements are a regualr part of this detox treatment. Garlic for mercury detox is an extremely effective and natural way of getting our bodies rid of the harmful damage causing metal compunds such as mercury and also lead.

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