Division of Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic, Food Supplements

Do you know the right way to get rid of dark circles?

Do you know the right way to get rid of dark circles?

Oh no dark circles! When you see them you just know that you’re getting older. Dark circles are those smudgy blackish looking circles under your eyes that make your entire face look tired and old. You may have wondered if there is any effective way to get rid of them. There is, read this article to learn how to get rid of the dark circles!

Some tips to getting rid of dark circles

If you want to know how to get rid of dark circles, it helps to ask a skin or makeup expert. He or she will tell you that pressing cucumber slices on your eyes for a few minutes a day in the morning and at night works wonders in terms of getting rid of dark circles. The magic lies in its many chemicals and enzymes which work wonders in terms of lightening skin and making it more vibrant. Your face may even glow with a healthy shine.

Use tomato soup as an exfoliator

While it may sound crazy, tomatoes are full of lycopene. This is a chemical that helps improve your heart function. In any case, lycopene has certain enzymes in it that work wonders in terms of getting rid of those annoying dark circles under your eyes. All you have to do is massage some tomato soup or any liquid containing primarily tomatoes in it on your face. Wait a few minutes and then rinse. You’ll see amazing results within a few weeks.

Juice potatoes

Sounds outlandish right? Well, whip out your orange juicer and use it on your potatoes. What you do next is massage your entire eye area with it. Pay special attention to your under eye-area. Leave on for at least 10 minutes and then rinse. Potatoes are rich in Vitamin C. this is an antioxidant that is great at reversing the ill effects of aging. Getting rid of dark circles under the eyes happens to be one of its specialties in this regard. Be sure to rinse with warm water. This will activate your skin so that the Vitamin C can work to its fullest.

Mix buttermilk with turmeric

Well, you can use any dairy product that’s somewhat liquids. You’ll end up with a paste that you can easily apply to your under-eye area. Dairy products are full of Vitamin A. this is a retinoid that is known for healing dry and damaged skin. It can also reverse the effects of aging on the skin.

Now you can fight back

Do you remember those commercials where the actresses say that you don’t have to grow old gracefully?  Well, dark circles under the eyes are a sign of aging. So if you use any of the foods mentioned in this article, you can fight back with glowing and radiant skin with the look and feel of youth!

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