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How to keep your balance when doing yoga

How to keep your balance when doing yoga

If you are current on health trends, you know the magic that yoga can do for you in terms of keeping you healthy. One thing that you may not love about yoga poses is the inability to keep your balance when doing them. If you are at your wits end in terms of finding ways to balance yourself during yoga, this article is for you. Read further to learn how to keep your balance when doing even the most challenging yoga poses.

Ways that you can keep your balance when doing yoga

You’ll find that assuming those yoga poses that turn your body into a ‘human pretzel’ are much easier and much more fun to do if you do the following

Stretch your body out - this is easy to do if you ground yourself firmly. Do this by placing both feet firmly on the ground so that your legs make an isosceles triangle shape in relation to the ground. Then push your head up as much as possible and pull your abdominal muscles towards your spine. Make sure that your shoulders are flexed back from your head. Then stare at a spot on the floor in front of you.

Place your feet together - well actually, place the bottom of your right foot near the ankle of your left leg. You’ll place most of the weight of your body on your right toe. Believe it or not it will actually be easier to balance yourselfwhen assuming difficult yoga poses.

Try to sit cross-legged standing up - this may seem impossible to do but it’s actually easy to do if you’ve mastered some basic yoga steps. In order to do this, you take your right foot and slide up your leg so that the base of your foot rests on the lower part of your left leg. Make sure that the sole of your right leg ‘hugs’ the lower part of your left leg.

Pray - well, this should not sound outlandish because you are after all trying to get close to ahimsa and God when you do yoga. In any case, what you do is fold your arms in the same pose people make when they say “Namaste!”

Stay grounded - this is easy to do once you’ve mastered the ‘praying’ pose. To do this, all you do is find a stationary object. You then stare at it intensely. Meanwhile, focus on balancing your body as much as possible. You’ll find that you’re in a much better position (literally) to assume yoga moves that even the most experienced yoga masters would find difficult to do!

You can have your cake and eat it too even if you’re just a beginner

Anyone, no matter what their mastery level is in terms of yoga can assume these poses. While they may seem hard to do at first, remember that practice makes perfect. If you spend even 15 minutes practicing the poses described above every morning or night, you’ll soon find yourself outdoing your yoga teacher in terms of yoga poses!

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