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Do you know the major ways that yoga helps men?

Do you know the major ways that yoga helps men?

Yoga intensively exercises the body while disciplining the mind. It has major health benefits for its practicers. This is especially true for men. This article will discuss the major health benefits that yoga has for men.

5 health benefits for men

Yoga has 5 major health benefits for men. They are:

  • It builds muscle mass - yoga makes muscles stronger. This is true for anyone who practices yoga. Since yoga focuses on all body parts, it tones them. This will give men improved mobility both in terms of flexibility and range. Yoga works with men’s muscles natural mechanisms. It also works to improve and increase blood flow to the muscles. This alone is capable of making them stronger.
  • Men’s breathing improves - yoga strengthens this essential action by strengthening the nasal and respiratory tracts. This allows them to perform closer to their full levels. Research suggests that people who don’t perform yoga only breathe in at most 20% of the air that their nasal and respiratory systems are capable of handling. Anyone who does yoga is forced to take in constant breaths that are deep and full. This is especially true of men. Fuller and deeper breaths infuse the bloodstream with more oxygen and dilate the blood vessels. This improves the blood flow to all organs in the body. Indeed, the deep breaths that men take while doing yoga can help delay or even prevent common health ailments like high blood pressure, heart disease, and problems sleeping.
  • Yoga syncs the mind with the body - because yoga works on all body parts and muscular systems, it strengthens and lengthens these muscles. This makes the muscles better able to handle inherited bodily imperfections like an imperfect gait.
  • Yoga relaxes the mind, body, and soul - men especially relax when they do yoga. Because yoga works with the body’s natural balance, it harmonizes the mind, body, and soul. Since yoga is a form of exercise, it releases endorphins and serotonin into the bloodstream. These are feel-good and relaxing chemicals which relax men and make them feel better.
  • Yoga increases libido - indeed, men who do regular yoga have an increased sex drive. Sex drive is lowered by anxiety and is enhanced by relaxation.  Yoga substantially decreases the first emotion and dramatically increases the second. It also improves blood circulation to the reproductive areas in men. In fact, several studies found that men who practiced yoga regularly performed better in the bedroom than their non-yoga performing peers.


Yoga can help make a man more complete

Since all of the five benefits mentioned above improve the lifestyles of men, men who regularly perform yoga are healthier both physically and emotionally speaking. They also live happier and more satisfied lives and have more libido. Yoga in this sense, can help complete a man!

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