Division of Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic, Food Supplements

Do you know the secrets to radiant skin?

Do you know the secrets to radiant skin?

If you’ve ever looked at fashion magazines like Glamour and Cosmopolitan, you noticed one thing. The actresses and actors had enviable, radiant skin. If you were wondering how to get your skin to look that good, don’t fret. The answer lies in your pantry, medicine cabinet, and lifestyle changes. You don’t have to spend thousands on expensive face creams, exfoliants, and dermatologist visits to get skin that would make other women go green with envy.

Glowing skin is closer than you think it is…

  • Pamper your skin every day - the more you pamper your skin by massaging it, the healthier it will be. Of course, it does help if you massage an effective skin serum. You can easily find these at your neighborhood drug store.
  • Use some help from electronic devices - have you heard of the microcurrent? It’s a device that rejuvenates your skin by shocking it with electric currents. Though it sounds strange, it works. You’ll see immediate and noticeable results if you use it for 20 minutes a day for 2-3 weeks.
  • Get a head rush - bend over for three minutes every day. Blood will rush to your face and revitalize it. After a few weeks, you’ll notice that your skin shines with a healthy glow.
  • use a fancy face mask - fancy face masks don’t just exfoliate your face, they do a makeover on them. Yeah, they may cost much more, but the price is worth it!
  • Spruce up your foundation - did you know that infusing your regular foundation with just a few drops of an illuminator will work wonders in terms of glowing skin. You can use any illuminator that the drug store on your street corner sells. Just remember to damp sponge the elixir on your face uniformly.
  • Highlight your collarbones - ok, so while this may seem to be pointless in terms of making your skin glow healthily, it actually works wonders. The secret is to use a highlighter and dust a little bit of powder on your collar bones every morning. Any highlighter will do. Be sure to bend forward when applying the highlighter. Your collar bones will ‘stick out.’ It’ll be easier to capture and accentuate the contours in your collar bones.
  • Cover your face with a gel mask every night - it may seem strange to read, but it really works! You’ll be covering your face with a protective barrier. This will help your skin look radiant by forming a barrier between it and the Sun and other elements (like air pollution!)
  • A vitamin C infused serum will do the trick - use a serum that contains Vitamin C. It’ll do more than just moisturize and nourish your skin. The serum will target free radicals. These are elements that damage your skin cells and cause premature aging. The serum will also rejuvenate your (damaged) skin cell. This will make your skin glow with the radiance of youth!


The secret to healthy, glowing skin is in your medicine cabinet

Indeed, if you want healthy, glowing, youthful skin, look no further than your medicine cabinet. You don’t have to spend a fortune on facial products that celebrities use to get skin that looks like theirs!

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