Division of Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic, Food Supplements

How Covid 19 Has Led to Increase in Demand of Immunity Boosting Ayurveda Products

How Covid 19 Has Led to Increase in Demand of Immunity Boosting Ayurveda Products

With Covid 19 in the picture, Ayurveda products are becoming more popular. Few months down the line, people are coping with it, trying to do everything possible not to be infected.

Individuals are Incorporating safety measures such as putting on masks, maintaining social distance, washing hands, sanitizing, practicing yoga, and exercising, to try to stay safe. Physical and mental well- being exercises are natural immunity boosters. Regular exercises help in boosting the immune system.

The world health organization is continuously monitoring and updating the information available regarding the spread and mortality. There's no specific medicine that has yet been discovered to treat Covid 19 in modern western medicine (MWC).

Ayurvedic is among the most used word during Google searches, with around 90 percent increase since the onset of Covid. Vitamin C searches have also gone up by 150 percent. Ayurvedic is one of the concoctions that has proven health benefits. It's used to treat problems like skin diseases, cancer, sexual problems, and cardiovascular diseases.  

Fear of this deadly virus has resulted in spikes of people looking for this medicine. Immunity boosting product sales on e-commerce websites have gradually increased. Lots of people are considering, or are using ayurvedic to treat and prevent Covid 19. The products help in boosting and guarding the immunity system.

One way of keeping the body in check is by incorporating immunity boosters to our systems. There have been certain ingredients that have been recommended to boost immunity, mostly those with vitamin C.

The sale of immunity-boosting products like basil plant, ginger honey, and pumpkin are on the rise like never before.

Other herbs and spices like garlic, turmeric, and cumin seeds, also help with the respiratory related diseases.

Numerous states have begun, including Ayurveda, to fight Covid 19, which is excellent.  These concepts of treatment that uses traditional Indian ingredients is a savior to the entire human fraternity.

One person in New York has treated himself and fully recovered using Ayurveda products. The person knew traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), a herbal medicine concept that has been used to control the pandemic in China. Ayurveda and TCM share almost the same concept.

He presented symptoms like high fever, severe cough, body pain, and the other associated symptoms of COVID 19.  After using the medicines for a few days, there was progress in his health and finally he tested negative.

Taking Pride in Ayurveda Products

The world has started taking pride in these traditional Indian medicines, which has become a world changer. There are clinical tests to evaluate if Ayurvedic medicines are safe and effective for the treatment of COVID 19.

There is a need to explore the scope of pertinent medicines present in Ayurvedic pharmacopeia, and if it can suit every stage of the disease.  There is a clear indication that the treatment can work.

The ayurvedic treatment has been segmented by disease patterns like infectious diseases and respiratory system, source, and end-users Ayurveda markets.

Healthcare policymakers are certainly considering Ayurveda to control COVID 19.

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